The SolrResponse class
(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)
Represents a response from the Solr server.
/* 常量 */
/* 属性 */
/* 方法 */
- http_status
The http status of the response.
- parser_mode
Whether to parse the solr documents as SolrObject or SolrDocument instances.
- success
Was there an error during the request
- http_status_message
Detailed message on http status
- http_request_url
The request URL
- http_raw_request_headers
A string of raw headers sent during the request.
- http_raw_request
The raw request sent to the server
- http_raw_response_headers
Response headers from the Solr server.
- http_raw_response
The response message from the server.
- http_digested_response
The response in PHP serialized format.
SolrResponse Class Constants
Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances
Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.
Table of Contents
- SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse — Returns the XML response as serialized PHP data
- SolrResponse::getHttpStatus — Returns the HTTP status of the response
- SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage — Returns more details on the HTTP status
- SolrResponse::getRawRequest — Returns the raw request sent to the Solr server
- SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders — Returns the raw request headers sent to the Solr server
- SolrResponse::getRawResponse — Returns the raw response from the server
- SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders — Returns the raw response headers from the server
- SolrResponse::getRequestUrl — Returns the full URL the request was sent to
- SolrResponse::getResponse — Returns a SolrObject representing the XML response from the server
- SolrResponse::setParseMode — Sets the parse mode
- SolrResponse::success — Was the request a success